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Mike Riversdale • January 31, 2025

There is no such thing as an "old person"

None of us see ourselves as others do, "You don't have a Welsh accent Mike? But you definitely do have some sort of accent." Nope, I don't have an accent at all, but of course everyone else does.

"Working at Age Concern is perfect for you Dad, you'll be with your fellow old people :)", says my daughter trying to wind me up. "But, I'm not old, how very dare you!", I retort because I don't see myself as old, oldER maybe, but not old.

Age Concern is focused on people aged 65+ (although we're happy to have a yarn and help out those approaching this age).

Our cohort are "the old people", or even "the elderly", which is exactly what each and everyone of them DO NOT see themselves as, why would they!?

If you're 65 you can become a member, if you're 85 you should be a member, if you're 105 we would be proud to have you as a member.

That's a span of FORTY years, all lumped in as "old". Think back 20 years and then 40 years and let me know if you're exactly the same person then as now needing the same things, nope, thought not.

There's a reason to the 0800 65 2 105 that gets you to the NZ-wide Age Concern, 65 to 105, what a cracking phone number to cover so many people, so many differences, so many wonderful stories, experiences, and futures. Of course, you can get in touch with us direct by popping in, email, or phone - details here.

Here in the Horowhenua office and around the region we cater to all ages (65+, you're our people) and next week we have:

  • Visiting services out and about
  • Fitness classes
  • Elder abuse response team working hard to keep our community safe
  • the office is hosting Doggy Dayz and the Neurodiverse support group
  • and more ...

See our Services page for details.

Waitangi Day

We're closed on the 7th, and limited service on the following day, open from 9am to 12pm.


Many of you will have received our upgraded newsletter in your InBox, we hope you like the new approach, no attachments, just the info right in the email. We will be sending out printed versions to those that have asked via the post on Monday.

If you want to subscribe to our regular newsletter you can right from this website (or pop in to the office).

(you also have the power now to unsubscribe when you feel the need)

And as a bonus you can now go back and read any of our archive newsletters as they get sent out - here's this weeks - but easier is to subscribe.

I leave you this week with a delightful observation from the wonderful George Penny on social media, enjoy:

A man (94) is at the counter of an ice cream shop. His speech is a little slow but the server patiently waits while he asks if she can write down the flavours of ice cream he just enjoyed. He's worried he'll forget them and he wants to tell his granddaughter about them later. Smiling, she does.


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