Advance Care Plan

Advance Care Plan

 Thinking and talking about your values and goals and what your preferences are for your current and future health care

What is important to you?

We encourage you to write down what is important to you, what concerns you and what your care preferences are in an advance care plan. This will make it much easier for everyone to know what matters to you – especially if you can no longer speak for yourself.

An advance care plan can also cover what sort of funeral you would like, where your important papers are, who you want involved in discussions about your health and any advance directives. 

An advance directive is your consent or refusal to treatments which may or may not be offered in the future, if you no longer have capacity to communicate your wishes.

How Age Concern can help you?

  • Explain what an Advance Care Plan is
  • Guide how it will benefit you
  • Assist you in your thinking
  • Help you get your words down
  • Make sure you know what to do with your completed Advance Care Plan

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