Promoting positive mental health in our community
Recent stats show that less than FIVE older adults in the Horowhenua are currently receiving counselling services! Age Concern Horowhenua can see a great need for accessible and free counselling services for our older adults to enable them to live and age well.
Age Concern Horowhenua can see a great need for accessible and free counselling services for our older adults to enable them to live and age well, and are proud to be offering FREE Counselling Sessions for the next 12 months.
A pilot program, also called a feasibility study or experimental trial, is a small-scale, short-term experiment that helps an organization learn how a large-scale project might work in practice.
We want to evaluate the overall feasibility, sustainability, and need of a free and accessible counselling service for seniors in the Horowhenua Region.
The results of this program and participant feedback will be compiled into a final report which will be used to apply for future funding to continue this service if deemed feasible.
All information will be provided in the report in such a way that participants cannot be identified.
We wanted to ensure this program was as accessible as possible for all those over 65+ that needed it. Therefore we have kept the criteria to a minimum:
• Elevated Stress
• Low mood
• Isolation & Loneliness
• Grief & Loss
• Inability to cope with changes in their life
• Physical Disability or Health Challenges
• COVID Pandemic Stress
• Financial Stress
• Brittle Support Systems
If you are experiencing one or more of these signs, or anything else you would like help with—please talk to us.
If you would like to know more about this program, please feel free to give us a call and our friendly team will answer any questions you may have about the program to help you find out if it is right for you, there is also a ‘Participant Information Sheet’ available which gives thorough information about the program— please contact Age Concern Horowhenua to request one of these to be sent or delivered to you.
If you have made the decision to take part in this counselling program, first of all—Congratulations on taking this positive step forward! Please contact Age Concern Horowhenua who will guide you through the rest of the process and documentation and answer any questions you may have.
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