Before we get into the info a massive shout out to a member for donating this gorgeous painting to the office, we and all our visitors love it - THANK YOU!
If you're up for getting your licence renewed at age 75 or every two years past your 80th birthday then don't wait until the birthday party, you can now start the renewal process up to 6 months before!
If you're feeling at all uncomfortable, lost a wee bit of confidence then we have the refresh course for you!
Call the office (06-367 2181) and get yourself on the list for next FREE Staying Safe Driving Course. It's less than an hour for every decade have held your licence! We guarantee it's engaging, and FREE LUNCH!
Note: The Staying Safe Driving Course for seniors is recommended by NZTA.
More details:
You all know about our very popular visiting service providing regular weekly visits to older people who would like more company, to reduce social isolation and loneliness. Matches are made carefully, on the basis of personality, shared interests, cultural needs, and location, and are regularly reviewed by our team.
Did you know that we have (a few) spaces on our Walking Service?
Similar in approach having a vetted volunteer to not only visit but be with you as you take a walk together - to the shops, to the post office, around the block, or further if you want.
Please get in touch and we can work with you to find that perfect volunteer and it's happy walking!
As those of you that have received the email newsletter (the postal one is coming out today) you will know that we bid our awesome Health Promotion Administrator, Elise, farewell as she jets off to Australia and amazing adventures. We all dressed up as something starting the letter "E", reminisced, and raised our glasses to her
A few links to tickle your fancy:
Spotted at a Small City Fringe Festival in Aotearoa New Zealand:
A woman (70s?) debuting her first stand up gig, knocks it out of the park with a show ranging from bawdy to hilariously dark. Huge laughs. Afterwards, someone asks if she's tired and she indignantly says: "No! Why would I be?" - George Penny via Bluesky
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