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Week 1, Ending Up With A Knackered "Susan"

Mike Riversdale • January 9, 2025

My brain feels like it is both full and that is has been working out for at least a month.

Let's start with the "full" and OMG, my handover from Natalie (departing Age Concern Horowhenua Manager) has been gold standard, an exemplar of how to do it. I am not from the "industry" and entering a role that has to have it's eye over all parts of the organisation, from staff, work programmes, finance + funding, policies & procedures, admin of all things, and working 'on' as well as 'in' the business it is a LOT to take onboard. Luckily I have Nat who has learnt from past experiences and stepped up to give me the most amazing intro and then handover - so comprehensive, digestible, and ultimately useful.

My brain has probably got all the information now and is spending nearly all it's time synthesising, grouping, connecting, prioritising, and making sense of it all for me (like I'm some other entity outside of my brain, LOL). My mate calls this part of her brain "Susan", my Susan is working so hard after spending a lot of time not doing it she's absolutely knackered.

The second feeling is one of time, time for me has lengthened to quite a remarkable size. My Monday, a mere 4 days aways from when I'm writing this, feels like a distant memory and as I don't believe I'm travelling at the speed of light, and I'm definitely not near any massive gravitational entities, it is absolutely my own perception.

The speed of time seems to be largely determined by how much information our minds absorb and process — the more information there is, the slower time goes. This connection was verified by the psychologist Robert Ornstein in the 1960s. In a series of experiments, Ornstein played tapes to volunteers with various kinds of sound information on them, such as simple clicking sounds and household noises. At the end, he asked them to estimate how long they had listened to the tape. He found that when there was more information on the tape, such as double the number of clicking noises, the volunteers estimated the time period to be longer.

He found that this applied to the complexity of the information too. When they were asked to examine different drawings and paintings, the participants with the most complex images estimated the time period to be longest.

source: Why Does Time Seem to Pass at Different Speeds? | Reviewed by Abigail Fagan (July 3, 2011)

What else, well, it's all about the people of course, he tangata he tangata he tangata!

I have met some of our members, a few local characters, and the wonderful people that walk in with questions, queries, and even suggestions - all have been fantastic and I look forward to meeting more and more, you know where we are!

Then there's the team, a tiny but passionate group of people that, I'll be honest, against all financial odds, support the elderly of our area, centered in Levin but all the way up past Foxton, out to Shannon and Tokamaru, along the coast through Waitārere, and down to Otaki (for some services, not all). Making sure the elderly are safe, secure, fit, and connected - what's not to love about that, what a wonderful organisation!

Next week is a week of getting into the saddle with training wheels on (ie, Nat around but not doing the do), and for me to GO FOR IT! I'm sure I will make mistakes, I also know the team will be understanding, and that the community are wishing me the best.

I'm also going to be getting out from behind the desk and slowly reaching out to more and more of the community, we are all in this together, whether you are young or old, whatever the colour of your skin, hair, or t-shirt, and together we make for a better future!

(soapbox-y enough for you? :)

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