No-one like standing in a field working on Saturday and so getting up, heading to the office, and loading up the car was done with heavy head. Imagine the drive back dear reader, Mike was buzzing, the connections made were rushing through the head, and all the people that came up to the gazebo to ask questions, get info, and have their 'passport' tamped were brilliant.
Congratulations to Katrina and team for bringing together so many organisations and agencies, we had a blast (re)connecting with each and everyone of them and look forward to even more collaborative times focusing on supporting the Shannon seniors.
If you weren't there you missed out - photos:
However you can always pop into Te Puàwaitanga o Hanana Shannon Health & Wellbeing Centre any Monday between 10am-12pm and have a chat with us. Or, even better, join the Foxton chair-based exercise class at 10:30am.
Best question asked to gain a stamp: What's the Māori name for Shannon?
(do you know?)
(RRT, our new friends, making a million sausage rolls for anyone that wanted one ... and water bottles!)
A full house at the Foxton Beach Community Centre (thank you Lynne and team for making us so welcome) as sprightly seniors from all over the region came together for our Staying Safe Driving Course. We all learnt tips, tricks, and general advice as we went through how we seniors need to recognise we're not 20 anymore, how the rules may have changed, and how we can keep ourselves safe BEFORE we get in the car and on our journeys.
Top tip: you can now apply for your driving licence renewal 6 MONTHS before your 75th and 80th birthday, no need to wait until the big day!
In a cafe, a woman (60s?) with a Golden Girls bouffant is with a woman (70s?) with a sparkly headband. Golden Girl says: "The movie last Saturday was SO BORING." Sparkly Headband shrugs. "It's better than fishing with Greg." Golden Girl laughs: "Anything's better than fishing with Greg!" -
George Penny, Bluesky
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